
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

life changing dentistry


Crooked teeth can not only have a huge impact on the aesthetic appeal of your smile, but misaligned teeth can also cause a whole host of other dental concerns, including wear and tear to your other teeth, jaw strain, gum disease and more. 

The good news is that there are many orthodontic treatment options available to straighten your teeth in a convenient, fast and effective way.  

Crooked teeth are incredibly common and can affect patients of all ages. The most common cause of the problem is crowding teeth, i.e. insufficient space in the jaws to accommodate the teeth, this is largely due to hereditary and genetic reasons. Different patterns of facial development and jaw growth can also cause misaligned teeth.  

What causes crooked teeth?

Affecting both baby and adult teeth, crooked teeth can occur at any age and there are lot’s of different causes including the following:

  • Crowding due to insufficient space to accommodate the teeth
  • Hereditary reasons and genetics
  • Different patterns of facial development and jaw growth
  • Trauma to the mouth
  • Tooth decay and tooth loss
  • Habits that affect baby teeth, such as thumb sucking or sucking on a pacifier
  • Gum disease
  • Excessive tooth wear
  • Oral health problems
  • Poor nutrition

Crooked or misaligned teeth can not only cause problems with your bite and jaw function, but can also interfere with chewing and affect the appearance of your smile, self-esteem and confidence. It can also be more difficult to clean your teeth well when your teeth are very uneven or have overlapping teeth. 

How to fix crooked teeth 

The good news is there are lot’s of treatment options available that can help to successfully correct crooked teeth, and modern orthodontic treatments offer many excellent options, these include: 

Removable braces  

Removable braces are useful in simple cases and are commonly used in children. 

Fixed metal braces  

Metal braces are fixed to the teeth with brackets, bands, and flexible wire. Fixed braces such as these have been around for several years. And, the good news is they are a lot more comfortable than they used to be, using smaller brackets and a lot less metal to straighten teeth!

Ceramic braces 

Ceramic braces are a great option for those looking for a more discreet straightening option as they use clear or tooth-coloured archwires and are less visible than traditional metal braces.

Invisible lingual braces 

The clue is in the name. Invisible braces are practically invisible and are perfect for those looking for discreet treatment. These utilise small metal brackets that are fitted on the inner surfaces/back of the teeth so are not visible when you smile. These are commonly used in adults. 

Crooked teeth

How to fix crooked teeth without braces 

There may be some restorative treatment options such as composite bonding and ceramic veneers that may also be appropriate in some cases where there is mild misalignment of the teeth and where teeth are worn down. However, this is best evaluated by the dentist and they will be able to advise you on the best option for your smile. Generally, for a long term solution, we recommend orthodontic treatment to straighten crooked teeth.


If your crooked teeth are not causing you any functional issues, such as chewing problems or pain in your jaw muscles, it is not entirely essential for you to fix crooked teeth – though many people opt to take action due to embarrassment over the way they look. Severely crooked teeth, or even slightly crooked teeth, can cause people to become self-conscious, leading them to seek treatment. Whether you are dealing with crooked upper teeth or lower teeth – or both – if you fall into this category, it is well worth speaking to a Windsor Dental expert today to discuss teeth straightening.

Windsor Dentistry treatment options 

At The Windsor Centre for Advanced Dentistry, we offer a range of treatment options for crooked teeth, and our team will work alongside you to determine the best treatment option for your individual needs. 

Take a look through our case studies or call us on 01753 833 755 to understand more about our treatments for crooked teeth.

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