Bleeding gums are often mistakenly considered to be a minor problem caused by over-brushing. However, this can often be the start of something more serious; the onset of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a common yet serious problem that affects many of us. If left untreated, periodontal disease can destroy healthy gum tissue leading to receding gums, infection, halitosis, open spaces between teeth and bone loss around the roots leading to tooth loosening and eventual tooth loss.
Moreover, research has shown that gum disease is linked to serious health conditions such as heart disease, lung disease and diabetes. A recent study lead by epidemiologist Moise Desvarieux, MD, PhD, found that people with increased levels of certain types of bacteria in the mouth were more likely to have develop clogging of the carotid artery in the neck. This can directly lead to strokes and heart attacks. And, as we know, clogging of arteries can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
There are several causes of bleeding gums including poor aural hygiene, badly fitting crowns and stress and hypertension. As such, it is useful to identify the causes before treatment so as to control them and to avoid future recurrences. At Advanced Dentistry your story is important to us and as such we will always listen to what you think might be the causes of your dental problems. That way we can establish direct links between lifestyle and dental health.
So what can be done about treating the early stages of this potentially lethal disease? Periodontal disease is something that is best to prevent rather than cure. However, the early stages of gum disease can be halted so as to avoid them progressing to more advanced forms of the disease. Therefore, it important to catch the symptoms early and seek advice from us as soon as possible. Here at Advanced Dentistry we consider that there is always a solution and are more than happy to talk you through the full range of options that are available to you. Treatment for the early stages of periodontal disease involves scaling and curettage – or the scraping and scooping around the edge of the tooth. In more advanced cases small surgical procedures such as gingivectomy, which involves removing diseased gum tissue or alternatively, flap procedure to clean the root and surrounding bone damage.
As you can see, treatments for periodontal disease as wide-ranging and relative how advanced the problem is. However, we will always try to find the simplest solution. So don’t worry, give us a call today and have an initial consultation from a caring professional.