
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry




Mankoo T. Single-Tooth Implants in the Esthetic Zone–Contemporary Concepts. Chapter 6:189-222, Section II: Restoring Dental Function and Esthetics. The Art of Treatment Planning: Dental and Medical Approaches to the Face and Smile. Editor: Romano, Rafi. Quintessence Publishing 2009.



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Mankoo T. Restoration of failing single teeth in compromised anterior sites with immediate or delayed implant placement combined with socket preservation – a report of two cases. Eur J Esthet Dent 2007 Winter;2(4):352-368.

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Mancuso DN, Gomes EA, Gennari-Filho H, Goiato MC, Tabata LF. Aspectos biomecanicos relacionados a protese sobre implante com cantilever (Related biomechanics aspects in dental prosthesis implant supported with cantilever). Implant News. 2008;5(4):379-383.

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Mancuso DN, Goiato MC, Fernandes AUR, Dekon SF. Estudo sobre as causas mais frequentes de perdas oculares (A study of the most frequent causes of ocular losses). Arquivos em Odontologia. 2004;40(3):271-275.

Mancuso DN, Goiato MC, Fernandes AUR. Protese Ocular Bilateral: caso clinico. (Bilateral ocular prosthesis: clinical report) Revista Odontologica de Aracatuba. 2002;23(2):54-56,.

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