Some patients find that previous dental work carried out has left them with mouth functionality problems, discomfort or even recurring pain. Unsuccessful dentistry treatments and procedures lead patients to be far more cautious and even apprehensive in future, which is understandable.
Here at Advanced Dentistry we are extremely thorough in our examinations and consultations to find out what the problems are and what solutions can be offered. Using preliminary x-rays, clinical photographs, moulds of the patient’s teeth and biomolecular and DNA tests we establish why the previous dental work failed and how we can rectify it using our extensive treatments.
Over the course of a year we receive many referrals from other individuals and practices. Our reputation is world renowned amongst our fellow practitioners. We have the ability and the individual skill to put right what went wrong in the previous failed dental work carried out.
Sooner or later all dental work will need repair, revision or replacement. Numerous studies have shown that the single most important factor in the success & longevity of dentistry is who does it!
In terms of our solutions to this type of failed dental work we always aim to achieve the best possible long term results. We don’t believe in short-term, quick-fix dentistry – that’s usually the cause of the problem in the first place!
A dentist’s skill, precision and attention to detail are the factors that have a huge influence on the success and durability of dental work. By using accredited dentists or getting referrals from other dental professionals you are ensuring that work being carried out is always to an exemplary standard.
Our restorative dentistry techniques and treatments are certainly the best you will encounter.
We literally have hundreds of successfully treated extensive and complex cases that have been and are still enjoying a renewed quality of life year after year from their life-changing dentistry.
Of course, dental implants, implant dentistry, periodontal treatment, aesthetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics, and other dental treatments all play a key role in getting the best results for our patients.
Restorative dental treatment may include a range of treatments from tooth whitening, composite bonding, braces, root treatments, fillings, crowns, dental bridges, veneers, dental implants, plastic gum surgery, bone and gum rebuilding & grafting, and more!
For more information on how we tackle failed dental work please contact us.