
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

Tooth Whitening – Why it’s best to go to the dentist

Have you been one of those people who have wondered how you so many people have gorgeous white teeth and yours are a slightly off white colour?

It’s actually fairly common but along with the ‘pearly white’ results there are plenty of horror stories surrounding things like DIY kits that can have some disastrous results.

If you’re seriously thinking about how you can improve your tooth colour then this blog is definitely worth a read!

We’re going to cover some fundamentals for you so that you are not misinformed and educated on what’s going to harm you and what you should really be focusing on where your teeth are concerned.

The most logical and safe way to keep your teeth looking good is actually quite simple. Brush them regularly (twice a day) and avoid eating snacks between meals! Yes that’s the truth. Throw in a hygienist visit every three months for more intensive cleaning and your teeth will look great. However, more importantly they will also be a lot healthier!

For serious tooth whitening go to your dentist. An important factor in any oral work is to ensure your teeth are actually healthy enough in the first place. So, before you get your white teeth, whiter, make sure your dentist attends to any oral health problems.

If you are intent on saving money on home kits then beware! They really do carry some significant risk. Some even contain illegal chemicals which could end up stripping the enamel off your teeth, leaving your teeth forever brown. Not nice!

Not only are they damaging to your teeth but if swallowed they can cause untold damage inside your body.

If you’re really intent on having white teeth, take professional advice and visit the dentist.

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