
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

Putting things straight – solutions for crooked teeth from Advance Dentistry

Crooked teeth are a common problem that affects people of all ages. In many cases, children are born with crooked teeth and this is often rectified using fixed orthodontic braces to straighten the teeth. However, the structure of our mouths changes as we grow older so the problem can also develop later in life.

The obvious issue here is that as an adult you are unlikely to want to be seen with wire braces. However, we have a range of less invasive solutions that will draw less attention to your teeth. Equally crooked teeth can also be a source of anxiety and embarrassment for those who are affected. Indeed,  it can result in a loss of confidence, low self-esteem, and an unwillingness to smile. That is why here at Windsor Centre for Advanced Dentistry we consider cosmetic dentistry and aesthetic dentistry to be of great importance as it can have a positive impact on people’s lives enabling them to smile with confidence. So if you are an adult who has crooked teeth then we have a range of teeth straightening solutions available to you.

Teeth straightening 

Teeth straightening is the most obvious solution to the issue of crooked teeth, however, in some cases, veneers can be used. However, these can have a bulky in appearance and feel uncomfortable in the mouth. Orthodontics is ultimately the best solution because it will cause minimal alteration to your existing teeth.

Getting braces 

Braces work with your teeth, which will readily shift into position. However, teeth straightening can cause problems if any teeth are missing. Typically the migration of teeth that this causes results in the titling of teeth, with ultimately results in the collapsing of the surrounding jaw as the chewing pressure is altered. This is a process that occurs naturally, occurring over a period of time, which differs from person to person. For this reason, it is best to infill lost teeth with a dental implant or bridge before commencing orthodontic procedures.

Teeth straightening options for you 

So let’s take a look at just a couple of options to help you to consider which solution might be good for you.  We have mentioned just a couple of treatments here but the best thing to do is to get an initial consultation so that we can professionally evaluate your teeth and run through the best possible solutions for your needs.

Lingual fixed braces

Lingual braces are placed on the inside of the teeth. They require specialist expertise to fit but have the wonderful advantage of being hidden as they are sat at the back of the teeth and therefore not visible when you smile.

Labial (exterior) fixed braces

Conventional labial fixed braces are of great value and do come in a wealth of varieties.  They can be useful for children (especially the funky coloured options), making the need to wear braces less embarrassing for your child.

Ceramic braces

These are generally the same colour as your teeth and therefore are very difficult to see, making them a good option if you are in any way worried about how braces might look.

Get teeth braces near you! 

If you have crooked teeth and want to gain confidence again and feel free to smile without worry then Windsor Centre for Advanced Dentistry can really help you.  Why not contact us today to get things started?

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