
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

Mum on a Mission to fight Tooth Decay

A mum in Withington is currently on a mission to combat child tooth decay and unhealthy eating, after setting up a lottery funded healthy snacks club at Sutton Primary Academy.

Ms Foti’s mission is all about teaching children to understand what’s healthy, while encouraging them to make healthy snacks themselves. She is also teaching them how they can recognise the high sugar content in common food and drinks.

This initiative ties in well with the current demands for soft drinks to be taxed in an effort to fight child obesity in this country, which has been on the increase in recent years.

Ms Foti is working with pupils of all ages at the school, teaching them how to make and bake their very own healthy homemade snacks using low sugar, wholegrain where possible and locally grown fruit and vegetables.

As well as this initiative, Ms Foti writers her own healthy food and lifestyle blog, helping to share her knowledge and research on sugar and how it affects our lives and our health.

A number of children under the age of 10 have to have teeth out due to tooth decay – which for some is more than just alarming and perhaps shows what damage processed sugars are having on us all.

Ms Foti’s club has inspired children to make everything from cheese and veggie muffins to zero sugar energy balls and has even created magic, instant ice-cream!

The club itself is free and Ms Foti started with year six children in an effort to reach all the pupils who want to take part eventually.

As well as this initiative, Ms Foti also runs a healthy dinner club at Withington Primary School as well as a foot stall in Hereford on Fridays, so she’s obviously a busy lady on a mission!

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