
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

Caring for your teeth – A guide from Advanced Dentistry Part Two

In our last blog, Advanced Dentistry took some time running through some common questions where it comes to caring for your teeth.  In today, we follow that up, giving you more insight into what you should and shouldn’t eat if you want to care for your teeth.

Today, we focus more on the ways  you can reduce acid erosion in your mouth, while getting a clear idea of what you need to do to reduce the potential effects with your diet.

Can I eat snacks then?

Obviously you can’t necessarily not live your life, so some snacks on occasion will be okay.  However, it is better for your teeth and general health to eat three meals per day with no more than two snacks forming part of your diet between meals.

Equally, if you do choose to eat those snacks, then try and eat ones with lower acidic value and foods that do not include sugar.

If you are eating fruit as a snack this is obviously good for your body but it’s worth eating an alkaline like cheese to counteract the acid.

Good choices might include; nuts, vegetables (raw), cheese and bread sticks.

Can I still eat some sweets?

Obviously sweet foods are high in sugar which means more chance of getting acid attacks. However, this does not mean you need to avoid any kinds of sweets for the rest of your life.

It’s everything in moderation and our advice is to keep them for during mealtimes.  Try and avoid sugary drinks too and maybe drink a glass of milk as a way to reduce the impact of acid attacks and tooth wear and erosion.

What do I drink?

Two great choices are simply water and milk.   They are better for your teeth than any kind of fruit juices or fizzy drinks.  If you are going to have fruit juice then save it for mealtimes.

If you are drinking between your meals the try diluted squash and rinse your mouth out with water after drinking.  Also drinking through a straw ca reduce the impact of the drink on your teeth as the liquid will go to the back of your mouth.

Okay should I just brush my teeth after every single meal?

You need to be careful you don’t over brush your teeth.  As a general rule then you should brush for two minutes per day, twice a day with a toothpaste that contains fluoride.  A good time is morning and then night time before you go to bed.

What you need to be careful of is after you eat, brushing your teeth straight away.  This could be detrimental to your teeth because enamel could actually be brushed away.  Therefore, leave brushing your teeth until an hour or so after eating.

I’ve heard chewing gum helps?

This has been proven to increase Saliva production in the mouth which can help to cancel out acid in your mouth after eating or drinking.  However, you should be using sugar-free chewing gum rather than ordinary gum which may damage your teeth.

Hopefully our top questions and answers can help you work out what is and isn’t true where it comes to your oral health and what you can and can’t eat!

If you do have any issues with your teeth such as tooth decay or gum disease, or even more serious issues such as gaps in your teeth, do contact us for an initial consultation!

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