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Bleeding Gums & Periodontal Problems 

Gums can make or break a smile, so don’t let your smile’s potential be spoiled by red, sore, puffy or bleeding gums.

Periodontal disease is commonly known as gum disease. It is a common health problem believed to affect up to half of the adult population. The condition destroys healthy gum tissue attached to the roots of teeth, causing:

  • Gum infection
  • Redness, tenderness and swelling
  • Bleeding gums
  • Receding gums
  • Open spaces between the teeth – ‘Black triangles’ or ‘holes’ between the teeth
  • Teeth bone loss around the roots
  • Halitosis (bad breath)
  • Tooth loosening and drifting
  • Tooth loss
Gap in teeth - before and after

Research has also found a strong connection between gum disease and serious health risks such as heart disease, lung disease and diabetes. The World Health Organisation (WHO) says that periodontal disease is a widespread health problem estimated to affect up to half of the adult population. The disease destroys the healthy gum attachment to the roots of the teeth, leading to gum infection, gum recession, bone loss around the teeth and halitosis (bad breath). If untreated it will lead to tooth loosening, drifting and tooth loss.

How to prevent bleeding gums

Because bleeding gums are usually a result of poor oral hygiene, making a conscious effort early on to improve your hygiene habits can help restore your gums to full health quickly – if they’re not too far gone (more on that in a moment).

Brushing your teeth two to three times a day is an absolute must and is the foundation of good oral health. However, if you fear your current toothbrush may be aggravating your gums, using a softer bristled brush could help as your gums heal. 

Beyond this, regular flossing, using antibacterial mouthwash, and avoiding gum-damaging habits (like smoking) will all help greatly to improve your oral hygiene levels.

What if my bleeding gums need serious treatment?

If serious intervention is needed and the gums have become infected, or the condition has caused them to lose their firmness and recede, it may be necessary to remove the affected tissue to prevent spreading. 

If you’re concerned your bleeding gums are the symptom of something far worse, speak to the team at the Windsor Centre for Advanced Dentistry. A quick examination will soon determine the level of periodontal treatment you require, if any, and set your mind at ease.

Treatment Options 

There is no doubt that the best solution for bleeding gums is prevention, not cure. The progression of milder cases of gum disease can often be halted via careful home care and regular professional cleaning, but it’s difficult to cure more advanced forms. It is therefore essential to seek help promptly if you notice that your gums are bleeding, or any of the other symptoms like thick or swollen gum tissue.

Prior to any treatment, however, it’s essential to identify the factors contributing to the bleeding gums – such as poor oral hygiene or badly fitting crowns – so that these can first be addressed and brought under control.

The main dental treatment for inflamed gums is scaling and oral hygiene instruction. Other options include surgical procedures such as gingivectomy, which involves removing some of the affected gum tissue, or flap surgery.

Take a look through our case studies or call us to learn more about effective treatment options for bleeding gums – so that you can make the most of your smile.

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