
Windsor Centre For Advanced Dentistry

life changing dentistry

Yellow Teeth

Very few people have naturally pure white teeth. It’s normal for teeth to become discoloured as a person ages.  However, the discolouration can have a huge impact on the appearance of a smile, which can, in turn, have a negative effect on your confidence. 

The good news is there are a number of different treatments for yellow teeth, helping you achieve a brighter smile again.

What are yellow teeth?  

Discoloured teeth or tooth discoloration, is also known as yellowing. This occurs when your teeth change colour over time. Many people find that their teeth do not look as bright or white as they once did. Some turn yellow, while others darken or develop noticeable white or dark spots.

Yellow teeth

What causes yellow teeth?

As well as being a natural part of ageing, several other factors can cause yellow teeth including:

  • Smoking and drinking – nicotine can cause teeth to turn yellow, along with chewing tobacco, while drinks such as red wine can also stain teeth
  • Poor oral hygiene – flossing and brushing your teeth at least twice a day is essential for removing plaque and stain-producing substances and avoiding tooth decay 
  • Genetics – if you have yellow teeth as a child, it may be caused by genetic or hereditary factors
  • Certain medications – such as some antibiotics taken during childhood can cause yellow teeth
  • Illnesses that affect the enamel on your teeth – some diseases can affect enamel and dentin, as well as treatments such as chemotherapy
  • Wear and tear of the tooth enamel
  • Old fillings
  • Tooth-grinding and clenching habits
  • Braces – if you wear braces, you need to take even better care of your teeth to avoid yellowing
  • Diet – consuming too many fizzy drinks or too much sugar can remove the outer coating of your teeth. Tea and coffee can also cause staining
  • Trauma – accidents can affect enamel formation in young children, damaging the internal structure
  • Enamel hypoplasia – this is a genetic condition that can affect the formation of your teeth.
Yellow teeth

How to fix yellow teeth

There are many ways that you can prevent or get rid of yellow teeth and avoid teeth discolouration in general, including:

  • Good oral hygiene, toothbrushing and flossing
  • Avoid or quit smoking
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Avoid frequent fizzy drinks
  • Make sure you clean your teeth well after consuming food and drinks that can stain such as curries, red wine etc
  • Reduce the frequency of having staining foods and drinks

At Windsor Dentistry we offer a range of treatment options for yellowing teeth and our team will work alongside you to determine the best treatment option for your individual needs. Take a look through our case studies or call us to find out how to get rid of your yellow teeth – for bright and vibrant whiter teeth.

Fixing yellow teeth through the dentist

There are several treatment options for yellow teeth, so deciding how to get rid of yours will largely depend on the specific cause, your age, and the condition of your teeth.

Scale and polish teeth

Professional dental cleaning is one of the simplest and quickest ways to treat yellowing or stained teeth. Book an appointment with a dental hygienist to remove any staining and tartar buildup.

Teeth whitening

Tooth whitening is an incredibly popular way of restoring your smile and there are lots of different types of teeth whitening available including whitening gel treatments, whitening toothpaste and laser whitening that your dentist can provide for safe and effective whitening. This is ideal for younger patients and in patients who have kept their teeth healthy. Some of these teeth whitening options include tooth bleaching, to remove the toughest teeth stains – but the specifics of your chosen teeth whitening treatment will be discussed with you in-depth. Despite what you may have heard, professional teeth whitening doesn’t just cover up stains, it actively removes them, aiding the overall health of your teeth and gums.

Composite bonding or porcelain veneers

For more severe discolouration and where teeth are worn, chipped and more heavily filled, composite bonding or porcelain veneers may be your best option. This tends to be more suitable in older patients where wear and tear has had a detrimental effect on the teeth over the years.

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